Friday, July 25, 2014

Wish List: Beautiful Books

Revolutionary Road, Richard Yates I have never read anything by Yates and have heard that he is great. This is the book of his that appeals to me the most. I'm also interested in seeing the movie with Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. This novel is set in 1955 and follows the life and struggles of a married couple. It sounds like a slow book with little plot, which I really enjoy if they are done well. 

Orlando, Virginia Woolf This is one of Woolf's works that I do not own, but I am very interested in reading it. It sounds so interesting. I have heard that it is semi-autobiographical based on the life of Woolf's lover. I have also read that this is one of her more accessible works.

Naked Lunch, William S, Burroughes I am starting to dive into the world of Beat literature and would like to read a variety of authors. This novel seems to be one that makes little sense and is full of drug stupors, and that's all I really know. 

 The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender, Leslye Walton This is a young adult novel about a girl who is born with wings, as the result of the tragic love stories that reside in her family in the female line. The magical realism in this book sounds very interesting and this book sounds very beautiful.

The Lover's Dictionary, David Levithan I really enjoy Levithan's works and his writing style. This book has an interesting concept. It is structured like a dictionary, with mini love stories about the word at the top of the page. I really like Levithan's short stories so I have faith that this collection of short prose will be poignant and heartwarming. 

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