Monday, May 30, 2016

Recently Read: Robin Archive Vol. 1

Author: Various
Genre: Comic Collection
Page Count: 236
Publication Date: 2005
Rating: 4/5

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While at Comic Con (post on that here) I picked up this hardcover Robin Archives for five bucks on a whim. I had never read any Robin comics, but since this is volume one, it starts with Robin's very first solo comic appearance, which I thought sounded fun. I have been in a huge comic reading mood lately so this fit the bill. 

I really loved reading through this collection. The stories are so entertaining and cheesy, making them fun and fast reads. I loved seeing Robin beat Nazi hold-outs and battle for the safety of the Atomic Bomb (which also got my wheels spinning thinking about who Americans place as the villains in our stories over and over again through out time; spoiler alert: it's the Germans and Russians.) Some of the reviews of this collection are so critical and accuse Robin of being cheesy which to me is a big fat DUH! His comics started in the late 40's when all the comics were cheesy, and that's what makes them fun. I think people can be too critical of comics, which to me are meant firstly to entertain more so than contain a lot of substance, an issue is only twenty pages long for gosh sakes! 

I love the way the original comic book colors are preserved in this new version, and I have my eye out for more of these Archive editions because they are a really fun way to gain comic experience and enjoy the original story lines of these heroes. This was a perfect read to pick up while sitting in the sun or when I only had a short amount of time to dedicate to reading. These would be great for semester reading. 

Leave me your comic recommendations and thoughts!

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