Saturday, July 5, 2014

Recently Purchased: Used Books

I haven't done a recently purchased in a while, but that's not because I haven't been buying books. I've been buying one or two at a time here and there, and they have added up. Here's the used books I bought recently, a book outlet order will be soon to follow.

From top:
If I Stay, Gayle Forman
To All My Fans, With Love, From Sylvie, Ellen Conford
The Portable Beat Reader, Penguin 
Eva Trout, Elizabeth Bowen
Beloved, Toni Morrison
Their Eyes Were Watching God, Zora Neal Hurston
Down and Out in London and Paris, George Orwell
The Secret History, Donna Tart 
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter, Carson McCullers 

I recently made a list of female authors I want to read for the first time/read more from after noticing that most of my classic literature collection was from male authors, and I was excited to get some of the books off my that list from a used book store around my house. Elizabeth Bowen, Toni Morrison, Zora Neal Hurston, Donna Tart, and Carson McCullers were all on that list. I have also been really enjoying the Portable Beat Reader as I really find that literary movement fascinating, but don't know much about it. It covers all the Beat authors you have heard of a million times, as well as some lesser talked about ones. This book has excerpts of novels and complete poems. 

What have you bought lately? Have you read any of these?   

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