Monday, May 12, 2014

Recently Read: Wuthering Heights Graphic Novel

I read Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights the summer before my Junior year of High School, so about abut three years ago? Wow that's crazy to think about how old I'm getting! But I enjoyed the book. I read the first half very quickly, Heathcliff and Catherine's story really sucked me in, but the second half with Catherine's daughter Cathy and Linton was a little slow moving for me.
I wanted to reread this book this year, and I put it on my list of rereads and classics to read in 2014. While at my local used book store, I found a little graphic novel adaptation of the story and picked it up. This graphic novel is part of the Classics Illustrated series and was adapted by Rick Geary.

It was great being able to revisit the story and refresh myself on the details through this graphic novel. This book has really great characters, and their troubles and personalities show through in the graphic novel adaptation. Wuthering Heights is a rather long book, but the graphic novel took me about half-an-hour to read. Graphic novel adaptations of classics are such a great idea. They could serve as a great introduction to a classic by helping to make the plot and characters more clear and provide background knowledge of the story before diving into a lengthy classic, or they could be a great way of testing out the story before committing to the lengthy book.

Next, I am eager to pick of some graphic novel adaptations of some of Shakespeare's plays as well as an adaptation of Charles Dickson's Great Expectations by the same publisher that did the above mentioned Wuthering Heights.  Any classic graphic novel recommendations?

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