Thursday, July 9, 2015

Tale as Old as Time (2): Children's Classics

Like many book lovers, I love collecting books. Over the past three years or so, I have been picking up quite a few old books from second hand shops, garage sales, and used book stores. I love looking at these old and beautiful books so I thought I would start a series where I showcase some of them. I have quite a few books I want to show off, so look for these posts every-so-often! I would love to hear about your favorite old books you own (or see them on your blog) so tell me about them below or link me to a post where you discuss them!

Tale as Old as Time (1)

King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table
This is one of my favorite old books that I own. I believe I picked it up at my local thrift store for about a quarter. It was published in 1990 , so it's not that old, but it has a beautiful full-color, wrap around cover, as well as both black and white and color illustrations inside. The book is made up of Sir Thomas Malory's original Arthur tales, though they are condensed. The book has eight chapters that span from The Coming of Arthur to The Passing of Arthur. I always like to keep this book on display because I often find myself, and others, flipping through it.

My grandma picked me up this edition of Heidi at a garage sale when I graduated high school. The center pieces for my open house were old books stacked on top of each other and tied with ribbon, and this book was in a centerpiece. It was published in 1939 and contains a few black and white full page illustrations that are gorgeous. This one is a little fragile, and looks quite beautiful on my shelf.

The Barbary Pirates 
This was another book my grandma picked up for my centerpieces. I love the spine of this one, and well as the cover illustration. It was published in 1953 by Random House. The chapter headings are cute colored pictures, and there are multiple full-page and colored illustrations. I have not read this book, but from what I can gather it contains information on real pirates and I think it would be fun to read this someday.

Oliver Twist 
This is an adorable Junior Deluxe Edition of Oliver Twist. I have some other books by the same publisher that have adventure stories and fairy tales and I love the way these books are done. I love the cover and spine of this one, and it is in such good shape! It was published in 1956 and also contains illustrations and deckle edges.



  1. I love finding old books at flea markets or sales- last year we found a guy selling a bunch of old books and I got a cool stack of stuff. Pretty awesome. These are some nice finds!

  2. These really are lovely. I'm pondering now having a special shelf in my classroom this year for my old, classic books--just because they look so great!
