Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Blast from the Past

I have participated in seventy-one Top Ten Tuesdays! I loved looking back at my old lists and seeing how my blog and reading tastes have changed and grown since my first TTT post over a year ago. Here are some of my favorite topics/lists I have made.

1. Top Ten Books About Friendship (my first TTT) May 20, 2014 

2. Top Ten Classics July 1, 2015 

3. Top Ten Movies and T.V. Shows July 15, 2014 

4. Top Ten Halloween Reads October 28, 2014

5. Top Ten Books of 2014 December 16, 2014

7. Top Ten Heroines February 24, 2015 

8. Top Ten Quotes April 14, 2015 

9. Top Ten Classic Movies May 19, 2015 


  1. Great picks - so many good topics here!

    Check out my TTT.

  2. I love looking at people's best of lists :-) They're fun! My TTT!

  3. Top Ten Quotes was a great one! I had lots of fun with that. Here's mine if you would like to see it http://wonderstruck-kcks.blogspot.com/2015/06/my-ten-favorite-top-ten-topics-weve.html

    1. I loved looking through my quotes to put that list together!
      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I think I must have missed the week for books that create great discussions. I must remember it for one of the FREE CHOICE weeks. Great list. My Favorite TTTs

    1. I think it was books we would pick for a book club actually!
      Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Great list!! There were way too many topics from the past five years to choose from for my post!! I had a difficult time narrowing down which ones made my TTT post for this week.

    Here's a link to my TTT post for this week: http://captivatedreader.blogspot.com/2015/06/top-ten-tuesday-my-ten-favorite-top-ten.html

  6. Top Ten Quotes was a wonderful week! I loved sharing mine. I'll have to take a look at all these.

  7. Seventy-one is a lot of Top Tens! I've done a lot of TTTs, too, so I agree...it was difficult to pick!

    Here's my Top Ten Top Tens!

  8. I love this weeks topic, I'm getting to see so many topics that I have missed. You chose some brilliant topics :) I haven't done nearly as many TTT posts as you, but even I struggled with what to decide. I bet it was hard to pick when you have done 71!!!! Here's my TTT if you want to check it out :)

    1. It was great to look back at all of my lists though!
      Thanks for stopping by Charnell!

  9. Awesome list! My blog is still a baby (less than a year old) so a lot of these topics are brand new to me. I love looking at everyone's topics over the years.

    1. yes, you are a baby! But I am only about two years old so I know how that feels!
      Thanks for stopping by Cynthia!

  10. Wow seventy one top tens! I've only done ten so far (hence why I chose an old topic this week rather than doing this one). I'd love to do some of these on a free choice week, top ten books that would create great discussion seems like a fun one, I'll have to remember that.
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2015/06/23/top-ten-tuesday-10/

    1. I was a little surprised that I had done that many lists actually!
      Thanks for stopping by!

  11. Oh, you've got some great topics here! Looks like you enjoy movies, too. Going to click through and check some of these out.


    2015 Big Book Summer Challenge

    1. Yes! I love watching movies and T.V. shows!
      Thanks for stopping by Sue!
