Saturday, January 17, 2015

Stacking the Shelves and Weekly Wrap Up: New Semester: Week One

Well, I survived my first week of the new semester! Woohoo! I'm already celebrating with ice cream. I didn't buy much this week, and I didn't have much of a chance to do reading outside of textbooks, so I'm behind on blogs and fun reading- but I'm hoping to catch up this weekend. It's a long weekend as Monday is MLK day.

What I Bought:

Deep Blue, Jenifer Donnelly-- This was 99 cents on my Nook, and I've been eyeing it for a while now, so I went for it. It's the first in a series about, you guessed it, mermaids!  
The Spindlers, Lauren Oliver-- Forgot to add this to last week's post, but I got this from Book Outlet. It's the first in a Middle Grade series and it looks really cute!
The Chaperone, Laura Moriarty--Also from that Book Outlet order mentioned above. It takes place in the 1920's, and has a female protagonist in her 20's- that's all I know.

What Happened This Week:
Monday- I started the week by reviewing the Young Adult, Science Fiction retelling of Austen's Persuasion- For Darkness Shows the Stars by Diana Peterfruend.

Tuesday- The top ten 2014 Releases I Haven't Read Yet (But Really Want to)

Wednesday- Waiting on Wednesday Love Hurts by Malorie Blackman

ThursdayMy Favorite Epigraphs: Part Two

Friday-I reviewed, and loved, The Cure for Dreaming by Cat Winters

Last Week's Wrap-Up 

What's Happening Next: 
I will get some more pre-scheduling done this weekend, hopefully, so I won't have to worry about writing up posts during the week. I've got a graphic novel review coming up, and beyond my weekly memes... I'm not sure. So next week will be a surprise.

Which leads me to a question? How do you guys blog? Do you write your posts ahead of time? The Night before? The morning of? Let me know, I'm interested to know.

Stacking the Shelves Hosted by: Tynga's Reviews
The Sunday Post Hosted by: The Caffeinated Book Reviewer


  1. These books are all so new to me! I'm gonna add this to my to be read list for sure! :)
    My Stacking the Shelves

  2. Welcome back to school! Interested to hear what you think of Deep Blue... love me some mermaid fiction! :D

    1. I'll be sure to review it once I get it read.
      thanks for stopping by!

  3. I at least plan my posts in advance even if I don't get a chance to schedule them ahead of time. As long as I know what I'm going to post them I don't feel so stressed.
    I hope you enjoy your new books and your week.

    1. I like to at least have a plan too! That way at least half of the work has already been done.
      thanks for stopping by!

  4. One of my goals this year is to take the stress out of blogging. Ri-i-i-ight. my posy for today is here:

    1. haha! I've got so much reading to do this semester it's going to be hard to find time to blog, and find time to read stuff to blog about!
      thanks for stopping by!

  5. I love covers like the one on The Spindlers. If I had unlimited buying power to purchase books based on covers alone, I would have an expansive MG library, lol. I am a pantser usually, although I have been putting up my title, banner, and headings for The Sunday Post on Sunday night since I started following, and I add items to it as the week progresses. On Saturday I polish it, add the links, and it is ready to go. When I know I am going to review a book on my blog (I onpy review 4 and 5 star rated), I also put up the post title and cover image. I am big on illustrative gifs so I add them to the developing review as I find them. I struggle with getting my Tell Me Tuesday feature up while it is still Tuesday. Maybe I should try the title and banner draft technique for it also. I have never had a post done far enough in advance that it was scheduled post. Have a wonderful week. :)

    1. Middle Grade covers are always so great, I agree! Wow sounds like you have a great blog routine going on! I may start my Sunday post earlier in the week and then add to it during the week, great idea!
      thanks for stopping by!

  6. My goal this year is to have at least 2 weeks worth of posts if not scheduled at least mostly done. At this point I only have a few days worth of posts laid out. I'm also working on having a set of reviews that are already done that I can plug in when I need them. I've done more than my share of night before or morning of posts though! Have a great week!

    1. Having reviews done to fill holes is a great idea! Maybe this summer I will try to get a backlog of reviews, so I can use them the next semester when I haven't had a chance to read anything other than text books.
      thanks for stopping by!

  7. I love the cover of Deep Blue and mermaids. I do MOST of my posts ahead of time, but my biggest problem is quitting reading long enough to write reviews. Does anyone else have that problem? ^_^ Have a wonderful weekend.
    sherry @ fundinmental Sherry's Shelves

    1. I always do a first impression mini-review on Goodreads within 24 hours of finishing. It also serves as my feedback for Netgalley and Edelweiss, with a few extra notes to the publisher added. My blog reviews are the ones that are usually tardy unless it is for a high profile ARC. Yes, I would much rather be reading.

    2. haha! That's a great problem to have! I'm trying to get in the habit of scheduling posts ahead of time.
      thanks for stopping by!

  8. Well done on surviving the new term! I liked the Chaperone when I read it. It's a nice mix of fact and fiction, and I hope you enjoy it too. I'm also way behind on posts and reviews, so you're not alone. x

    My Sunday Post & Shelf Stack

    1. Thanks! Glad to hear you enjoyed The Chaperone, I'm looking forward to it.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  9. Deep Blue sounds great!
    I am also pre-scheduling a lot of next weeks posts and some ready for the rest of the month. I'm sure some new stuff will be added in but that makes it easier!

    My Sunday Post -

    1. Yes, I'm starting to understand the miracle that is pre-scheduling! Hope it goes well for you!
      thanks for stopping by!

  10. Glad to see the new semester is going well - and with ice-cream !
    I try to write my reviews as soon as I've finished books - sometimes I'm eager, sometimes I'm lazy. I've got files on my computer with stuff necessary to my memes, so I usually don't prepare them early. The only post I keep preparing and building along the week is the sunday post.
    Enjoy your books and have a great week !

    1. So interesting to hear everyone's blogging and planning routines. I hope to get my own routine down this year.
      thanks for stopping by!
