Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: 2014 Releases I Didn't Read (But Really Want To)

Uh, can the answer to this week's prompt be EVERYTHING? I'm horrible at reading new releases (hence why reading more new releases is one of my Goals for 2015) so I didn't get to very many of the 2014 releases that I wanted to. Hopefully I will get to them soon-I already own some of them- so I can cross them off my list. 

1. The Kiss of Deception, Mary E. Pearson-- I was really excited about this one and bought it as soon as it came out, but I haven't gotten to it yet... Soon! 

2. The Blood of Olympus, Rick Riordan--There is no reason for me not to have read this series ender yet- I've heard it's a little lack luster, but I'm sure it will still be enjoyable and funny.  

3. Prisoner of Night and Fog, Anne Blankman-- Yay for historical fiction! I've been in such a huge mood for historical fiction lately, and this one sounds really great. 

4. Forbidden, Kimberly Griffith Little-- So interested to read this very historical (and by very I mean B.C.) setting in a YA novel. 

5. Rebel Belle, Rachel Hawkins-- This series looks so cute and funny! Plus. I love a good kick-ass female main character.  

6. This Shattered World, Amie Kaufman and Megan Spooner-- This one came out at the very end of 2014 so I don't feel too bad about not picking this one up yet. I'm really excited to continue on with this trilogy. And can we please have the cover for the third book?!?! 

7. I'll Give You the Sun, Jandy Nelson- I need to stop talking about how much I want to read this book and actually read it! 

8. Noggin' John Corey Walley-- I loved his previous book, and this one looks weird but meaningful, just like his first book.

9. Jackaby, William Ritter-- I just bought this on my Nook the other day, so I should be getting to this one soon. I've heard mixed reviews, but I still think it will be an entertaining read.

10. Illusions of Fate, Kiersten White-- This fantasy stand-alone looks like a lot of fun, and I love that cover!   

Let me know which of these books I should prioritize and read immediately! And, as always, leave me the link to your list, I would love to check it out!  


  1. WOW. So many good reads here! Take my advice, read The Kiss of Deception as soon as humanly possible! It's amazing! I liked Forbidden as well, but I liked Illusions of Fate even more. There's a really swoony guy in that one. :) Enjoy your books! :)

    - Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl

    1. Kiss of Deception is super high on my list- so glad you loved it. Illusions of Fate looks like such a fun read. Thanks for all the recommendations!
      thanks for stopping by

  2. I can't wait to read The Kiss of Deception. I've been meaning to read it for a while now. I enjoyed Prisoner of Night and Fog. I hope that you enjoy these books when you do get around to them. My TTT

    1. Me too! I need to read it before I get spoiled! Glad to hear you liked Prisoner of Night and Fog- that one really interests me.
      thanks for stopping by

  3. I did my top ten list of books I meant to read as well. I'll give you the sun is on mine too!

    1. I really, really want/need to read that one!
      thanks for stopping by

  4. Great list :) I really need to read Prisoner of Night and Fog.
    Cora @ Tea Party Princess

    1. It sounds really great, I'm in a huge historical fiction mood right now.
      thanks for stopping by

  5. I have the same problem, I'm not even sure if I read any 2014 releases last year! :o None of the books on your list are on mine, but your list has just reminded me of some other books I never got round to reading! I love the cover for Prisoner of Night and Fog, and Rebel Belle is on my TBR, too.

    I have a lot of reading to do this year!

    1. I do too! Darn school always getting in the way of reading. I'm about to check out your list right now actually.
      thanks for stopping by

  6. Great List! I also loved how you put your list this week.

    My Top Ten Tuesday!

  7. Yay, another historical fiction for me to add to my list! Here's my TTT if you're interested: https://victoriajaynesbooks.wordpress.com/2015/01/13/top-ten-tuesday-6/

  8. Okay, you MUST read Forbidden and I'll Give You the Sun ASAP! And apparently, we BOTH need to read Kiss of Deception ;) I'd also really like to read Illusions of Fate and Prisoner of Night and Fog! Great list, I hope you get to read them all soon!

    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight
