Sunday, January 25, 2015

Weekly Wrap-Up:New Netflix Addiction

What's New
Well, I haven't being doing a lot of reading this week. I did start a book that wasn't part of my required reading so that's progress. I'm currently reading Z: A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald by Therese Anne Fowler. Fictional stories about author/celebrity wives are a bit of a guilty pleasure for me, and so far this one is pretty good. I also got totally hooked on Scandal and watched way too many episodes on Friday night, but I just couldn't stop! Olivia Pope is so smart and tactical. I'm in the beginning of season 2- so no spoilers! If you like political dramas, this is a great one! And if political dramas aren't usually your thing, you should still give this one a try- I think fans of Mad Men will really enjoy it- it's at the same level of drama and has great characters.


What I Bought
Nothing this week! Go me!

What Happened This Week
Monday-  I started the week with the second part of my hot (as in attractive) authors list. It's so fun to discover what these author's look like that I had never seen pictures of before or that I had never seen young.

Tuesday- On Top Ten Tuesday I asked for advice on what to buy next.

Wednesday- Waiting on Wednesday: Black Dove, White Raven- this one is going to be good guys!

Thursday- I reviewed a non-fiction graphic novel- The Beats about the Beatnik movement. 

Friday- I did the Taylor Swift Book Tag!

Last Week's Wrap-Up 
What's Next
This is another one of those "I have no idea what's happening next" weeks because I haven't been reading very much, which means I don't have any reviews to write or post. This week will feature some thoughts on one play and one classic novel that I have finished for school recently, and of course TTT along with some other non-review posts.

What T.V. shows are you guys watching right now? and What are you reading?

Hosted by: The Caffeinated Book Reviewer


  1. I've never watched Scandal, I should try :) We've recently finished watching all Dr House, all Dexter, all Downtonw Abbey, the last episodes of Dr Who, we're on the last season of Breaking bad before we reach the last season of GOT. Phew ! Have a great week ;)

    1. I've been thinking about starting Dexter, but I don't do well with intense tv shows, and that one looks like it might be a little intense. You've been watching some great shows!
      thanks for stopping by!

  2. I really love Scandal! I got addicted last summer and binge watched every single episode over the course of a couple of weeks. It is so good!

    1. I'm definitely addicted right now. It's really great- I love the drama.
      thanks for stooping by!

  3. Scandal is on my to watch list because everyone loves it. I'm a little nervous because I'm not one for character development (I prefer more of the CSI/Criminal Minds/NCIS type where it's mostly about a murder) but on the other hand I adore the coats I always see on Olivia Pope. Good luck with your reading and have a great week!

    1. It's really great, you should give it a try. You'll be hooked after two episodes. Olivia Pope has an amazing wardrobe! She's such a great female power character.
      thanks for stopping by!

  4. I don't think Scandal is for me but maybe i should try it. I just finished catching up on The American Horror Story first three seasons but not sure I want to watch this years. Might be more than I can handle. I did watch the complete Saving Grace series and loved it all over again. Waiting on Walking Dead now!

    My Sunday Post -

    1. I defiantly could not handle American Horror Story! I recommend giving scandal a try!
      thanks for stopping by!

  5. I am to watching "Heartland" and "Sister Wives", waiting for Deadlest Catch to back on. I have watched "Girl Meets World", I watch other on Netflix. Though this I am reading books as well. I am going to need to read Shelley Sharpard Gray book on my Nook in two days.

  6. Ha ha, I love the idea of a 'hot' authors list. I have to say that my fav author Stephen King is not much of a looker LOL . I can forgive him, he writes great books.
    The Pegster Reads

    1. His looks match his writing style- which is so cool!
      thanks for stopping by Peggy!
