Thursday, December 10, 2015

The Poetry on my Night-Stand

I've spoken a little about the special bond I forged with poetry in my Introduction to Poetry class I took in my second year of college, but poetry is really something special to me. I can't write it to save my life, but I love to read and analysis it. I keep a few of my poetry collections on my night-stand in easy reach so I can pick one up when I can't sleep or need to unwind a little before falling asleep. These are the collections that are currently on my night-stand.

P.S. see my Poetry Spotlight Posts for my thoughts on some of my favorite poems and poets.

The Collected Poems of Sylvia Plath

This is my newest addition to my bed-side poetry collection. I bought it as a treat to myself for finishing all those papers and exams in the mid-term week from hell earlier in the semester. I haven't gotten a chance to get into this one a lot yet, but I really hope to over break. Plath is one of my all-time favorite authors/poets and I can't wait to read the poems in here that I have never read before.

The Selected Poems of Edna St. Vincent Millay

This book has been on my night-stand for years. I worship Millay and her poems are so easy for me to get lost in. I love that she has really long and complex poems and short and sweet poems; she's perfect for whatever mood I'm in. Plus her and Plath kill it in the feminist poetry category. Millay's Collected Poems is on my wishlist, at the very top of it! 

Anthem for a Doomed Youth by Wilfred Owen

Owen is one of the very best war poets, and I love this little Penguin Little Black Classics collection of his poems. These poems are so powerful and breathtaking. I've only read a few out of here, but I'm thinking about diving into this one the next few nights because I have loved what I've read so far. 

Tell me some of your poets or poems! I really want to add some more
to my already long list of favorite poems! 


  1. I own the book of Sylvia Plath poems, but I still need to read it. I love her writing. I can't wait to see what you think about it.

    1. Plath's poetry is amazing. I have read and loved Ariel which is a great collection to of hers to start with.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I enjoy Sarah Kay and her collection No Matter The Wreckage. I recently read Todat Means Amen and it really touched me.

    1. Thanks for the recommendations! I will add them to my list to check out!
      Thanks for stopping by!
