Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: 2016 Releases on my Radar

I've spent a lot of time on Goodreads browsing the 2016 releases lately, and I've come across quite a few that I'm excited for. I left off some of the more obvious sequels and novels like The Raven King, The Winners Kiss, and Truthwitch in order to highlight other releases, but I'm excited for them too of course. Leave me your link below so I can check out your list and expand my 2016 releases TBR!
Hosted by: The Broke and the Bookish
Book Titles Link to Goodreads


1. The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi  
Release Date: May 3rd
I'm really loving how YA fantasy has been taking inspiration from non-western cultures and traditions lately.

2. A Tyranny of Petticoats edited by Jessica Spotswood  
Release Date: March 8th  
This sounds like an amazing collection of historical fiction, girl-power short stories! I love a lot of the authors in this collection, and I have high hopes for this one.

3. The May Queen Murders by Sarah Jude
Release Date: May 3rd 
This one sounds like a creepy thriller about small town life and more importantly, look at this cover!

4. The Steep and Thorny Way by Cat Winters
Release Date: March 8th
Cat Winters is doing a retelling of Hamlet in 1902 Oregon featuring the Ku Klux Klan?! Sign me up.

5. All The Birds in the Sky by Charlie Jane Anders
Release Date: January 26th
This one sounds really interesting, and possibly a bit complicated. It's got elements of romance, time travel, and magic so you can't go wrong.

6. The Sleeping Prince byMelinda Salsibury 
Release Date: April 26th
The first book in this series was intriguing, but left a lot of things unanswered. After reading the synopsis for this one, it looks like this book is about different characters. I'm confused, yet also interested. And I know people think the cover is beautiful, but I find the prince to be a bit creepy.

7. Heir to the Sky by Amanda Sun
Release Date: April 26th  
This premise has got me really intrigued! It sounds like a cool mix of sci-fi and fantasy

8. The Dark Days Club by Alison Goodman 
Release Date: January 26th 
I'm up for any and all historical fiction with fantasy elements.

9. This Savage Song, by Victoria Swab 
Release Date: June 7th
Swab has quite the reputation and I have yet to read many of her works. This one sounds action packed.

10. Bookishly Ever After by Isabel Banderia 
Release Date: January 12th 
This isn't something I would normally pick up, but it looks fluffy and light, which I do get in the mood for every once and a while. 


  1. I like the look of that May Queen book. And the cover - yes! Will keep it in mind.

    Hope you are enjoying your time off from school and here's to a great 2016!!

    1. The cover is so eye-catching! Break is going great!
      Thanks for stopping by Kay!

  2. I can't wait for a lot of these. Bookishly Ever After and the may queen murders... so many good ones!! Here is my TTT http://angelerin.blogspot.com/2015/12/top-ten-tuesday-top-ten-most.html

    1. Lots of great releases coming up in 2016!
      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Great list, Mallory! All the Birds in the Sky and A Tyranny of Petticoats made my list, too. :) Happy New Year!

    1. Happy New Year to you too Jess!
      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Cat Winters has quickly become one of my favorites!

    Check out my TTT and my current giveaway.

    1. Yes, I have loved everything of hers I have read so far!
      Thanks for stopping by!

  5. The Star Touched Queen was on my list this week too!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2015/12/29/top-ten-tuesday-37/

    1. It sounds really unique and fresh.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Wow great choices! I'm going to be putting some of these in my to read list on GR.

  7. I'm excited for many books you talked about! I noticed SO MANY books are released May 3rd, it's crazy! The Star-Touched Queen seems amazing and the author is really nice, she mentionned some bloggers in her acknowledgments!

    1. It's a big day for publishing!
      Thanks for stopping by!
