Thursday, April 30, 2015

Recently Watched: Death Comes to Pemberly

Based on the novel Death Comes to Pemberley by P.D. James
Produced by the BBC 
Released in 2013
Consists of three sixty minute episodes
Staring: Matthew Rhys, Anna Maxwell Martin, and Jenna Coleman

So in between writing papers last weekend, I watched the BBC's Death Comes to Pemberly. I have not read the book, I know, I know, I've committed a book lover's sin, but I've been wanting to watch this mini-series since it came out so I went for it. 

I'll skip the part where I talk about how much I love everything the BBC puts out, because you guys have heard it a million times, but I really enjoyed this series! I was fully entertained. At first I was a little unsure of the casting, (I'm still a little annoyed by the obvious incorrect age gap between Lizzie and Darcy, but then adaptions rarely portray ages correctly so I 'll let it slide,) and I thought that Jenna Coleman might be too beautiful for her role as Lydia, but all those doubts faded away during the first episode. The acting was great and I thought the characters were very believable and accurate to Austen's original characters. 

And ladies, there are some very handsome men in this one. I loved hearing what happened to the characters of P&P and thought that everything was believable and perfect for the characters. I would still be willing to pick up the novel sometime in the future even though I already know what happens because I enjoyed this series that much. 

If you have read the book and seen this, tell me what you think? Did it stay pretty true to the book? What did you think of the casting? 


  1. I do love Anna Maxwell Martin (I highly recommend The Bletchley Circle if you haven't watched it already!) so I'll probably end up watching this at some point. Glad to hear you enjoyed it! Have you seen the BBC's adaptation of North and South? Richard Armitage is a very handsome John Thornton.

    1. I haven't see The Bletchley Circle or North and South, but both are currently in my Netflix list, and North and South is the first thing I plan on watching after exams! This was really entertaining, I highly recommend checking it out.
      Thanks for stopping by Jess!
