Saturday, December 5, 2015

Weekly Wrap-Up: It's Essay Season!

What's New:
It's the last two weeks of the semester so you know what that means, essays coming out my ears. I've been writing papers and completing projects like crazy this week, and I have a lot more to do next week. So things have been pretty quite on the reading and blogging front.

What I Read:
I started (and by started I mean I read like twenty pages) of The Hourglass Factory by Lucy Ribchester. But that's it. I'm hoping to get lots of reading done over Christmas break which starts in about a week and a half for me.

What I Bought:

Legacy of Kings by Elanor Herman 
This was on sale on Nook for $1.99 during Black Friday shopping week, so I picked it up. 

What I Posted:
Monday- I reviewed The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater
Tuesday- was Top Ten 2016 Debuts I'm Looking Forward To
Wednesday- I posted a humorous post about Rejected Thesis Sentences  

Last Week's Wrap-Up 

What's Next: 
I've got three posts planned for this week so far, and I'm not sure if I will get to more or not. Monday will be a review of The Memoir of Sherlock Holmes, Tuesday is Top Ten Tuesday, and Wednesday I'm hoping to get up some more of my favorite epigraphs.

How are you guys doing, are you in the midst of finals and essays?


  1. Ooh $1.99, there were probably so many good deals on Black friday and I kinda missed the boat- haven't bought anything lately. Hope it's good!

    good luck with your essay!

    1. I just caught the tail end of the sales on ebooks. I don't usually like paying for ebooks since I can get them from my library, but the $1.99 deals are hard to pass up!
      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I loved Legacy of Kings! I have the ARC of it. Can't wait for the sequel. For $1.99 that was a great price!
    Check out my STS

    1. Oh great to hear you enjoyed it! I'm looking forward to it!
      Thanks for stopping by!
